Preschoolers are active and enthusiastic learners, busily refining and expanding the skills and knowledge they gained in the toddler years. The curriculum guides children on this next step as they develop school readiness in all areas of academic learning and social preparedness. Our READY for SCHOOL preschool programs are filled with investigation, experimentation, and discovery. Through intentional teaching practices, purposefully-designed environments, and enriched activities, teachers ensure preschoolers have joyful, appropriate, and meaningful learning experiences that lead to success in school and in life. Early education in our READY for SCHOOL programs is designed to help your child reach his greatest potential in all areas including: beginning reading and writing skills, math and science concepts, physical skills, social and emotional development.
A. Language Works
The preschool years are an exciting time of robust language development. Vocabularies blossom from a few hundred words to a few thousand and word comprehension takes off. Literacy and language experiences in our preschool classrooms collectively contribute to the development of a child’s emerging speaking, reading, and writing skills by continually nurturing and challenging each child’s language development. Language Works offers a comprehensive approach that thoughtfully and intentionally addresses all aspects of language and literacy. Through the curriculum, teachers provide children with opportunities to integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing into daily activities within the classroom. Preschoolers delight in the numerous ways they can use and enjoy language, from composing a group story, to creating traffic signs in the block area, to reading simple stories that make language come alive.
B. Math Counts
Mathematical concepts surround and fascinate children at this age. Whether they are counting how many marbles they have, asking for more milk, or establishing that they are the second in line to go on the slide, preschoolers are constantly using and experimenting with mathematical ideas. Math Counts offers a framework for developing the skills and abilities of young mathematicians, ensuring that children recognize math in everyday life. Classroom environments and accompanying experiences are designed to support preschoolers as they continually develop their mathematical thinking and quantitative reasoning. Math Counts ensures children don’t simply memorize numbers, but instead build mathematical reasoning skills so they can solve problems and use math in real and meaningful ways.

C. Science Rocks
Science is part of everything children do each day. Preschool children are constantly engaged in research and experimentation exploring properties, making important discoveries, and learning how things work. Science Rocks expands on preschoolers’ innate interest in science by ensuring they have meaningful scientific opportunities to explore, from taking apart an old telephone, to caring for classroom plants, to making muffins for a cooking project. Science Rocks is an overall attitude of inquiry and discovery. During the preschool years, teachers carefully plan science experiences that not only introduce scientific concepts and facts, but also nurture curiosity, wonder, engagement with the natural world, critical thinking, and an inquisitive approach toward learning — all essential skills needed for success in school and life.
D. ArtSmart
Preschool-age children are creative by nature and enthusiastic about art. Not only do artistic experiences expand a preschooler’s budding creative and artistic competencies, they also enhance learning and development in other areas such as math, literacy, and science. Artistic exploration encourages important skills such as flexible thinking, adaptation, problem-solving, innovation, and follow-through. ArtSmart ensures that children are engaged in comprehensive, authentic, and diverse creative experiences in all areas including visual arts, music, dance/creative movement, and drama, nurturing a child’s own artistic abilities and helping her appreciate art in the broader world.
E. Our World

Research tells us that people who have positive self identities and who feel they have value in the world are more successful in life. This process starts early in childhood when preschoolers are actively developing their sense of self and who they are in the world. Studying their communities and the broader world cultivates important social and emotional development, relationship skills, environmental responsibility, and an appreciation of diversity. Our World presents unique experiences to help children understand the diverse and global world they inhabit, enhancing their sense of responsibility and compassion for people here and abroad.
F. Well Aware
Promoting physical development and wellness is a fundamental responsibility of any high-quality early childhood program. Children are growing up in a society with an array of choices — some healthy and beneficial, others harmful and risky. Because young children are forming attitudes and behaviors that will influence them throughout their lives, it is imperative to expose them to experiences that foster their abilities to make good decisions, develop a positive self-image, make healthy nutrition choices, and show respect for their bodies. Well Aware provides preschoolers with varied opportunities and materials to develop concepts of wellness, as well as the knowledge and skills to practice healthy lifelong habits.
Our hours
07:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Monday – Friday
Saturday – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Contact us
Phone: +1 917-444-1084
Email: lighthousedaycare.llc@gmail.com